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» [Another World] What if... Mia never die ? (avec Rein)
A beating heart of stone [ft. Limitiel] TW sexe & drogues  - Page 9 EmptyHier à 22:26 par Rein

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» Le relèvement d'Honoria (ft. Rein)
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» Hei ! Päivää!
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» Un frère éloigné vaut moins qu'un voisin (avec Lexis)
A beating heart of stone [ft. Limitiel] TW sexe & drogues  - Page 9 EmptyMar 17 Sep - 22:33 par Clionestra

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» Ça déménage par ici !
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» TOPS-SITES ¬ votez pour ltdr
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» La Folie du Prince
A beating heart of stone [ft. Limitiel] TW sexe & drogues  - Page 9 EmptyLun 16 Sep - 23:04 par Ezvana

Le deal à ne pas rater :
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A beating heart of stone [ft. Limitiel] TW sexe & drogues

Messages : 87
Date d'inscription : 11/03/2023
Région : Québec
Crédits : google tout simplement je n'ai pas vue de créateur.

Univers fétiche : Réel
Préférence de jeu : Les deux
Valise 2
Mar 27 Aoû - 3:10

Bethany Clarks
J'ai 30 ans et je vis à , . Dans la vie, je suis sans emploi et je m'en sors statut de vie pas bien.

Informations supplémentaires ici.
My night was supposed to be awesome. I wanted to live again, be the girl I was before, and maybe even find a man to share my bed tonight. I didn’t have anyone with me since I was out of the cabin. I just tried to live again and the night I decided to do it; I received this awkward message. I didn’t want to believe he was really here. I just kept dancing with the man and tried to forget the note and have a good time. He even decides to go somewhere dark with me. I wanted to feel his hands on my body and not just when dancing and I wanted to like it but for now, I don’t feel the excitement. I just feel… empty. Once we were alone, he started kissing me again and even if I tried to like it, I didn’t feel anything. He was hard and me… I was clearly not wet. I was giving my best, but nothing was working… then suddenly, the alarm started and the sprinklers too. I froze for a second before pushing against him and get back on my feet and start walking towards the exit. Once I was out, my phone vibrated so I took it and look who it was. I didn’t recognize the number, but what it was saying scared me a little…. But before I could answer, another one came on my phone and this time, I just couldn’t ignore who it was.

I was frustrated right now. I was free now; he couldn’t tell me what to do…. But just to make sure nobody gets hurt I jump on a cab and just go home. I was supposed to be free and safe now. My ‘’ family’’ assured me nobody would come for me, that they didn’t have the right to do it, but he was here. Psalm is here and track me and don’t let me live! Once I was home, I got out of my dress to put on a short and a crop top then I sat on my couch. I grab my phone to type another message.


Messages : 64
Date d'inscription : 10/05/2022
Crédits : Mystical : VAN.J

Univers fétiche : The masquerade
Préférence de jeu : Les deux
Lun 16 Sep - 5:00

J'ai 34 ans et je vis à ..., .... Dans la vie, je suis homme a tout faire, mais j'ai reçu la formation pour être gardien de services correctionnel.

Psalm est mon pseudonyme. Je ne met mon nom légal nul part, comme ce serait risqué pour le business.

Something's getting in the way
Something's just about to break

I was receiving a second text from my little lamb as I pulled in the dock parking lot. I wanted to ignore it and go on with my business, but what was the fun in toying with her if I was to deprive myself of her anger. I huffed. How cute. Launching the body bag onto my shoulder, I typed with my free hand :

Text 01:13:

I wanted to tell her how a good girl she was for heading straight home. I loved when she was a brat. I looked into it not long ago, it seems loving to dominate one who was this pouty and demanding was a “brat kink”. How my little lamb fitted the description. I did not knew yet if I wanted her to be completely submissive or bratty in the future, but I enjoy her combative spirit more than I though I would. I decided to send her one for the road as I had a plan for the next hour or so.
Text 1:22:
I knew what I had to do, but my self control was lacking in some ways. When I let myself in, I observed my surroundings quietly. When I heard her slow breathing in hr room, I had a hard time not to go over there and touch her.. the smooth skin of her belly under her crop top want taunting me and the view of her inner thigh made me salivate. But I was in for the long run and, for now, I neened only one thing. Soon enough, I was on my way.


The next morning, I sent the brunette a package. It was delivered by the postman I hired at the doorstep of her apartment, inside the building, for her to find when she step out of her place. It was a white box with a cute golden bow. Of course, the inside was also a great deal. Burned hands cutely wrapped with flower into a sheer tule bouquet. I used the remaining of the dress she wore last night as ribbon and the masterpiece was layed on top of a white satin. The dress was mostly burned, leaving part of the fabric intact for it to be recognizable. I left no notes. I didn’t need to.

A beating heart of stone [ft. Limitiel] TW sexe & drogues
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